What Is The Purpose of a Webinar?
Webinars, over the past decade, have become a powerful tool for businesses. They give companies tools to promote their products while also establishing their credibility.
The extent of who your webinars can reach is infinite. Pushing your content to people all over the world is a great way to grow your brand and generate new leads.
Giving your clients direct feedback on questions they might have about your product is powerful. It is unlike any other type of sales process, and if done right, it can become the most profitable type of marketing.
There is a lot of preparation that goes into preparing and conducting a successful webinar. This blog will discuss ways in which your business can prepare and get the most out of webinars.
How To Know If Webinars Are For Your Business
Businesses exist by selling products or services. Whether it be a new product launch, or a general webinar talking about your products, they can build relationships and grow your customer base.
According to gotowebinar, 73% of sales leaders and B2B marketers say that webinars are the best tool for gaining quality leads. Some companies struggle with gaining profitable leads. This is eliminated with live webinars. Most businesses require some form of registration before allowing others to attend their sessions. This automatically marks that person as a warm lead.
Search Engine Journal found that 40% of attendees become customers. For those that do not, you still have their information, and they will be a great addition to your email list. Then from there, you can nurture your relationship with them by offering them value and education about your product.
Webinars are not only for generating new leads, but they can also be promoted within your already existing customer base. Keeping your current customer base in the loop is crucial to sustaining company growth. Maintaining relationships with your existing clientele should never be overlooked. Fostering those relationships helps your business grow, especially when fresh eyes are drawn to your product by word of mouth.
The Four Keys To Building a Successful Webinar Strategy
1. Have a Clearly Defined Topic
The topic is the most crucial piece of a successful webinar. This is like the front headline of a newspaper. Trending topics are displayed on the fronts of magazines and news articles for a reason. They draw interest and sell!
Picking a topic that can appeal to a broad audience is important because it will bring in more significant amounts of people. However, it is also just as important to make sure you are attracting the right types of people and not just anybody.
When people close out of your webinar, you want them to walk away a craving to reconnect with your company. Visitors of your webinar need to feel like they have been given valuable information.

2. The Right Time
The right day of the week and time of day vital in getting the most attendees for your webinar. A go-to rule is not to host them on the weekends. This might seem obvious, but recent data gathered by BigMarker showed that it is best to conduct webinars on Tuesday, with Wednesday and Thursday close behind.
This is because people like to plan around webinars. The beginning and end of the week are often used to play catch up. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday give people time to prepare and set aside time to focus on your webinar.
The best time of day can vary depending on your audience. Some companies like to hold them around lunchtime since this is when most people have free time during the workday. However, data shows that most people prefer to attend a webinar at 10 or 11 o’clock in the morning. Using the best judgment of your audience and their preferences should be determined, to make sure you can get the most attendees.
3. The Right Tools
Using the right webinar tool is essential for attracting and keeping the attention of your audience. There are a variety of tools that can be used to construct a killer webinar. Synup compiled a list of software (Canva, Piktochart, Click Meeting, Slide Dog) that can help.
Below is a list of some of the examples that you might want to check out when creating and implementing your webinar.
Throughout your webinar, content such as videos, images, and graphs are useful to help create eye-catching offers for your audience. Canva is a tool that allows you to design banners, CTA’s, and invitations - the options are endless! You’re given the option to decide what size your design should be and then Canva offers a multitude of templates to help you get started. Not to mention, it’s free!
Your attendees will want to be able to access your presentation easily from their computers. Having a place (also called a room) that is user friendly where they can watch your seminar is important. A platform that allows your guests to view your session easily and interact will determine how long your attendees say within your webinar. Click Meeting gives you many features to offer your visitors. This tool allows easy access for people to view your webinar. Some of the great qualities of this site is that they give you the option to conduct polls, broadcast screen-sharing sessions/ pop-up CTAs, and create presentations and whiteboards.
One of their most valuable tools is to record your presentation. This is a huge benefit that all who host a webinar should take advantage of. Being able to give your audience the option to take your content home with them is free advertising. They will have the opportunity to share it with others or go back and a recap of what was said during your session. It’s also great for those who weren’t able to attend your webinar but were still interested.
4. Preparation
Practice does make perfect. Just like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you get. This also goes for webinars.
Evantotuts+ talks about the significance of being fully prepared for your presentation. Each topic that you plan to discuss should be broken down into multiple points and examples. Set goals of takeaways that you want your audience to have.
Most people interact and become customers of businesses due to something they “lack” or a “problem.” If they are giving you a chance to solve their issue, then you need to sell your product and know all of the ins and outs.
One great quality of a webinar also is being able to answer questions live and in person. Preparing for possible questions shows your audience that you are invested and believe in what you are presenting.

Whether your company is just starting out or has established its name within the industry, webinars are a valuable tool to promote your business and supercharge your growth. It can serve alongside the entire buyer’s journey, building trust and rapport with both potential customers and existing.
If you follow what has been covered, you will be able to create, conduct, and hold a successful webinar. To review, make your topic clear and concise. Know your audience by making sure that you hold your webinar at the most suitable time of day. Take advantage of the right tools to create and broadcast your session.
Finally, prepare! Rehearse and plan for any questions your audience might have. Do these steps, and you will have a killer webinar!