Your blog has the potential to do amazing things for your business's growth. It has the power to attract visitors, create relationships with your customers, and educate a wide range of audiences. However, for it to do all of those amazing things, it’s vital for your blog to be executed and maintained well.
Two key improvements that will immediately make a positive impact on your blog are ideating creative and relevant blog ideas and establishing a consistent organizational system. We know that ideating and organization aren’t easy. To help, we’ve compiled our best tips and tricks to get you ideating content and organizing your blog like a pro.
Organizing Your Blog
It’s super important for you to prioritize the organization of your published blog posts to create and maintain its structure. If your reader comes to your blog and they’re confused or can’t find what they’re looking for, they will leave. However, if they come to your blog and it’s organized in an easy-to-understand and intuitive way, they’ll stay.
The most popular way that bloggers organize their published posts is by breaking them up by topic. Once you have them broken up, you can present them on your website in an organized structure by using tags.
Here is an example of how HubSpot organizes its blog. They break it down by Marketing, Sales, Service, and News & Trends.
The arrows are pointing at the tags which signal to our readers that those are the various topics the blog covers. If they’re interested in reading more about one of them, they can simply click the word or phrase and be redirected to a shorter more specific list.

When you organize your blog using a tagging system, you’re enhancing the user experience by making your blog easier to navigate. Rather than having to scroll through pages of mixed blogs, a visitor can just click on one of the tags they’re interested in and be redirected to a shorter, more tailored list. Organizing your blog will delight your audience and in turn, decrease your bounce rates.
Further, if you’re not already utilizing topic clustering in your blog, organizing your current posts by topic is the first step toward implementation. Interested in learning more? Check out this article about topic clustering that dives deeper into its importance and how to get started.
Ideating Blog Topics
Keeping your blog fresh and coming up with new and creative ideas for posts can be really tough for some bloggers. Especially when they’ve been blogging for years and feel like they’ve covered everything. When you feel stuck, consider these 5 easy ways to come up with new, fresh, and creative ideas for your blog.
1. Answer Questions
Answering the questions that your audience is asking is a great way to generate blog content. Providing an honest, thorough, and relevant answer for your reader will foster a positive relationship between them and your brand.
Further, if you consistently provide answers and information for your readers, you’re bound to become an industry thought leader, gain the trust of your target market, and increase your overall website traffic.

2. Use Keyword Research Tools
There are a plethora of SEO resources out there. Some of the best include a keyword research tool. Taking time to research popular keywords in your industry can help you generate ideas that you can be sure people are searching for.
For example, when you type in a relevant keyword, SEMRush’s Keyword Magic Tool has the ability to generate a list of all other related keywords, their average monthly search volume, keyword difficulty (on a scale of 1-10), and much more. When you don’t know what to write about next, using a keyword research tool can be the inspiration you need for your next blog topic.
3. Take a Look At Your Old Blogs
Sometimes, taking a step backward and reading your older blog posts, can give you ideas for new ones. Subheadings are often a good place to start. If one of your blogs only mentions a relevant and interesting topic briefly, go further in-depth and write a blog post about it!
In addition, looking back at old blogs will offer an opportunity to refresh, update, or revamp your content. For example, if you wrote a blog about Consumer Buying Habits in 2005, think about what has changed since you wrote that blog. It could be an opportunity to write an updated version.
4. Create Lists
People love the simplicity of a list. It’s scannable, easy to understand, and generally super valuable. A couple of examples include, “The Top 10 Ways to Reach Your Audience Better” and “5 Blog Topics You Never Thought About.” Creating relevant lists that will be valuable to your audience isn’t just a popular trend. It’s actually been scientifically proven!

5. Consider How-To's
Today, when someone wants to learn how to do something, they don’t turn to a manual. We Google it, right? If you offer a product or service, a how-to article can help educate your readers. What does your audience want to learn how to do? What obstacles could you help walk them through?
Final Thoughts
Engaging your customers online is vital for the growth of your business. To engage better, continuous optimization is an incredibly important part of maintaining your blog. Coming up with more creative ideas for blog topics and organizing your posts in an accessible way are two vital improvements you can make to your blog today.
We know that ideating and organization aren’t easy. But, by using the tips and tricks we’ve shared in this post, your blog is sure to experience a positive impact.
Not sure where to start? Chat with us today. digitalJ2 can help.